
I just love apples, don't you? In the book, the author includes a recipe for crow's nest (an apple dessert her grandma used to make). I use brown sugar in place of the regular sugar to make it extra sweet. Have you tried it yet? Yum!. -- Mrs. Sackets



It's not about the apples

In the book, Andy discovers that "it's not about the apples." What is it about then?

What are some of the ways you spend time together with your family?

A few ideas from Andy:
-- Spend the day in your jammies reading a book aloud to each other.

-- Play board games, chess, or cards together.

-- Cuddle up on the couch or in sleeping bags on the floor and watch a movie together.

-- Go for a walk in the woods and point out all the cool animals, birds, and patterns you see.

-- Pack a picnic lunch and go for a bike ride to get there.